Playgroup Committee

The Playgroup Committee is responsible for the finances, fundraising and employment of staff. Meetings of the Committee are held on a regular basis. This committee is made up of parents and all parents are encouraged to support various activities throughout the year.
Registration & Insurance
The playgroup is a member of ‘Early Years the Organisation for Young Children.’ We are registered and inspected annually by Social Services, our named Social Worker is Debbie Johnston.
Hours of Opening
The Group is open five mornings a week from 9.15am to 12.00pm, Monday to Friday. Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 1.30pm to 3.30pm. The Group has places for 26 pre-school children in the morning and 24 for younger children in the afternoon.
Parents are asked to provide fruit each Monday morning to support staff in promoting healthy eating. Milk and water are provided to drink. Party food and cakes/buns are acceptable on special occasions.
Children are discouraged from bringing toys and the playgroup will not be held responsible for anything lost or damaged. (However, a comforter or special toy will be accepted if required by the child).
Children’s clothing needs to be named. Your child will be working with sand, water, paint, glue etc. Aprons are provided and sensible clothes should be worn. For safety reasons party shoes/flip flops should not be worn are children are engaging in physical play throughout the morning.
Circulars are given to parents during the year to keep them informed of general information and holidays. Curriculum plans are displayed on the Group noticeboard. Monthly Newsletters are distributed to children in their final pre-school year. Information is communicated to parents using a closed Whatsapp group.
Sweatshirts and polo shirts with the Playgroup logo can currently be obtained at Marshall’s of Saintfield.
- Parents are asked not to bring into the playgroup any child who has been vomiting or had diarrhoea until at least 48 hours has elapsed since the last attack.
- Please keep your child at home if they have any infectious illness.
- In the event of a child becoming ill or injured, every attempt is made to contact a parent or substitute carer. Should the child’s carer be unavailable, the Playgroup Leader will decide on the best course of action.
Collecting Children
Playgroup Staff must be informed of who will normally be collecting children and of any changes from routine. Please use extensive car parking facilities at the rear of the building. For safety reasons do not park close to the door as people are entering and leaving the building. Please supervise your children, do not allow them to run around the car park or swing on the railings.
Outings are throughout the year. Parents will be asked to sign a consent form. Parental support may be required on these outings.
Examples of visitors such as Photographer, Community Police, Parent Visitors, Primary School Teachers, Carl’s Mobile Zoo, Crochets & Quavers, Various Musicians are invited to the playgroup throughout the year. Our Early Years Specialist, Janice Mawhinney, Health Visitor and Social Worker also call into the Playgroup.